The Meat Industry's Damaging Environmental Impact

The meat industry creates twice as much pollution as the production of plant-based foods, which creates a huge problem for our meat-loving society. Over 350 million tons of meat are consumed every year, and as the effects of climate change continue in a stark reality, this number needs to decrease.

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Amanda Seale
What's the Dirt on Composting?

Composting is one of the best things we can do with our food waste, because instead of sending our food to a landfill where it won't be able to break down properly, composting gives our food waste a second life.

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Amanda Seale
It All Comes Out in the Greenwash

Along any aisle in the grocery store, a shopper is likely to find products in packaging with soft green hues, proclaiming that they are “eco-friendly” and “all-natural.” For an eco-conscious shopper, this can often be a determining factor whether or not to buy a specific product. However, oftentimes the shopper has fallen for a greenwashing campaign.

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Amanda Seale
A Wasteful History: Trash Talk

What should a society do with their trash? That is a question that everyone from Ancient Greece to modern day America have asked. Despite the evolution of society during the thousands of years that have passed, the root of the problem remains the same – how do we dispose of our waste in a way that is safe for both people and the environment?

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Amanda Seale
Spooky and Sustainable at Halloween

Halloween is a time of celebration and festivity, but it is also a time that generates a significant amount of waste. Keep Knoxville Beautiful wants to help the community have a fun holiday while still being low waste.

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Amanda Seale
The Magic of Murals

The perception of street art has evolved from crude vandalism to celebrated works of art. Murals add beauty and a sense of pride to a community, but they also can function as sharp environmental commentary.

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Amanda Seale